With proper tree fertilization, your trees stand a stronger chance of remaining healthy, stable and beautiful for years to come. Fertilizer isn’t a magic cure-all, and not all trees need it, but it works to help plants fight off pests, repel disease, improve growth and survive environmental stresses.
So, what’s the right approach to tree fertilization? Read on to learn when and how to fertilize, what type of fertilizer to apply and why you may want to leave the care of your trees to a certified arborist.
When to Fertilize Your Trees
Some species need fertilizer in the spring, while others fare best with summer or fall tree fertilization – or even with applications in multiple seasons. However, sticking to a consistent schedule is the key to encouraging healthy growth. Age plays a major role in determining how often to fertilize. Newly-planted trees and young specimens typically need more frequent application than those that are mature, healthy and stable.
How to Fertilize Your Trees
To be effective, fertilizer needs to reach the roots. Fortunately, accomplishing this doesn’t mean removing the mulch – simply spread or scatter the pellets or granules evenly under the entire drip zone, avoiding the trunk area. After applying the fertilizer, water thoroughly to help it soak deep into the soil and down to the root system. Skip this step after tree fertilization, and the product will never get where it needs to go.
What Type of Fertilizer to Use
Organic fertilizers are more expensive than inorganic varieties, but according to certified arborists, they’re well worth the added cost. Delivering the right ratio of nutrients to the roots is the goal, and this is possible to achieve with an inorganic fertilizer. But, the chemicals they contain have no beneficial effect on the soil structure. Organic products, on the other hand, can improve the soil conditions while providing the necessary nutrients.
Should You Hire a Tree Fertilization Service?
You can handle your own fertilizing, but hiring a local tree service company is the best way to ensure the vitality and longevity of the specimens on your property. A certified arborist can determine whether fertilizer is needed, and choose the right nutrients for each of your trees – which is no easy task, as every species has unique needs.
Certified arborists also know when to apply fertilizer and how much to use. In addition, arborists have specialized equipment for deep root fertilization – and they understand how to apply soil amendments to maximize the effect of fertilizing.
For all of these reasons, leaving the task of tree fertilization to a local certified arborist – like the professional team at Rivendell Tree Experts — makes good sense.
Based in Lehi, Utah, Rivendell Tree Experts offers a range of affordable arborist services to homeowners and businesses in the greater Salt Lake City area. To schedule a complimentary consultation to discuss tree fertilization, contact us today.