Protecting Trees from Frost Damage

Protecting Trees from Frost Damage

Frost damage can severely affect the health of your trees. Though it might not cause long-term problems, frost damage can show throughout the subsequent spring and summer seasons. Is it possible, even in a cold Utah winter, to protect your trees from the frost damage that’s threatening them?

Which Types Are Susceptible?

Certain types of trees are more susceptible to frost damage than others. Those that do not bloom as quickly can be highly affected by a late spring frost. While most stay dormant all winter, once the temperature starts to turn, they sprout new buds and blossoms begin to open. The trees that go through this process quickly develop a hardiness that protects them from unexpected frosts, but the types that take longer to develop are at risk of frost damage. Some of the tree types that you can worry less about include crab apple trees, silver maples, lilacs and linden trees. These are sturdy types that don’t typically struggle with frost damage. On the other hand, tree types that commonly have issues with frost include apple, magnolia, dogwood and cherry trees.

It Starts with Preparation

Once damage has occurred, there isn’t much you can do reverse it, but you can double up on your care of the tree in subsequent seasons, ensuring they get the necessary nourishment to bounce back. Some of the signs that low temperatures have taken a toll include dry, discolored or shriveled leaves, or cracking in the tree’s trunk. Preventing damage in the first place is key. The better you take care of your trees, the hardier they will be. The first thing to do is ensure you’re watering your trees enough. If the temperatures are above freezing, trees should be watered every three to four weeks. When dry soil freezes, it blocks natural moisture from reaching the tree’s roots, damaging them through deprivation. Another measure you can use to protect against frost damage is to wrap the trunks of young trees with burlap. You will need to unwrap and re-wrap trees each year, to keep them from developing a girdled trunk. You can also spread mulch around the base of the trunk to help retain moisture for the root system.

Depend on Us for Assistance

Are you concerned about the health of your trees? Whether your goal is to prevent or reduce damage or trim dead branches, your local arborist team is here to help. Rivendell Tree Experts is dedicated to providing responsive, professional service for all of your maintenance needs.

Call us today to schedule a time for us to come and assess the health of your trees close-up. We will give you a detailed quote on work before we begin and we’ll tell you how you can give your trees the hands-on attention they need, particularly if you’re trying to limit the effects of frost damage.