Benefits of Winter Tree Pruning

Benefits of Winter Tree Pruning

In the winter, tree pruning may not be on your mind at all. Many people plan landscape maintenance in the spring or summer – but giving your trees a prune during the cold weather months can be a smart decision. ​ Winter tree pruning is recommended for several reasons. Here’s a look at what you have to gain by getting pruning done at this time of year.


Better Results


Once all of the leaves have fallen, the frame of a tree is easier to see. The branches are in clear view, which puts any weak, damaged, diseased or vulnerable areas in the spotlight. As such, accurate pruning cuts can be made to promote tree structure.


Less Risky


Winter is not only the dormant season for trees, but also for destructive insects and infectious diseases. Since those die off when it gets cold outside, certain species are less likely to get infested or infected during their dormant periods.


Prevents Damage


Leaving branches that are fractured, diseased or dead in place over the winter can be dangerous. If your area gets a heavy snowstorm, the limbs could fall and cause significant property damage – and someone could even be seriously injured. At minimum, it is unsightly and can effect how the tree grows moving forward.


Why Hire an Arborist?


While you can take on the task of tree pruning yourself, hiring a certified arborist is in your best interests – and we aren’t just making the recommendation because we’re a tree service company. Experts advise on working with an arborist because:

  • Pruning can be difficult, hazardous work 

  • Arborists have the proper tools to make the job safe

  • Poor pruning practices can seriously stunt growth

  • Certified arborists carry liability insurance to protect you and your assets

Above all, arborists know which species should be pruned during the dormant season. At Rivendell Tree Experts, we don’t cut corners. But we do have extensive experience in pruning for hazards, structure and clearance. And in northern Utah, we’re a trusted industry leader, the company homeowners and businesses call for efficient and affordable tree care services.  Turn to us, and you can expect to have an outstanding customer experience. Our certified arborists are known for their honesty, integrity and dedication to professional service. For more information on winter tree pruning, or to schedule a free consultation with one of the best arborists in the greater Salt Lake City area, contact our Lehi, Utah, office today.