10 Telltale Signs It’s Time for Tree Pruning

10 Telltale Signs It's Time for Tree Pruning

Tree pruning is important for a number of reasons. The practice keeps your trees healthy, strong and beautiful, which boosts your curb appeal. Plus, pruning prevents costly property damage by eliminating hazardous branches.


The question is, how do you know it’s time to prune? Here are ten signs you should hire a certified arborist for tree pruning soon.


No. 1: Damaged Branches


​Broken or weakened limbs pose a threat to both your property and anyone who passes underneath. To stave off damage and injuries, these branches must be pruned.


No. 2: Wandering Branches


Long, untamed limbs growing over the rooftop or close to the power lines are safety hazards and have the potential to cause a great deal of damage. For wandering branches, immediate tree pruning is essential.


No. 3: Dead Branches


Dead branches have a detrimental impact on growth, as they are often the result of insect infestation or disease. Prompt tree pruning prevents the problem from spreading.


No. 4: Crossed Branches


If branches grow to cross each other, the bark can suffer damage. If the interior is exposed, decay can set in and spread to the entire tree. Pruning crossed branches keeps this from happening.


No. 5: Multiple Leader Branches


When several main branches are growing from the trunk, they compete for dominance. Pruning down the number of leader branches is necessary to avoid issues with health and growth.


No. 6: Tree Cankers


Cankers, or spots of bark that are sunken or missing, are often signs of disease or decay. Tree pruning addresses canker problems and eliminates rotting concerns.


No. 7: Cracked Bark


Cracks in the bark indicate rot, disease or insect infestation, which, if left unchecked can lead to the need for tree removal . By pruning the affected branches, this can be avoided.


No. 8: Dense Greenery


When branches and leaves are too dense to see through, they can easily catch the wind and cause damage. To prevent this from occurring, the greenery needs to be pruned back.


No. 9: Outward Growth


Trees that grow outward instead of upward often have heavy branches at risk of collapse. Pruning them avoids this issue and encourages healthier growth.


No. 10: Irregular Growth


Misshapen trees are not only unsightly — their off-balance weight distribution can also create a hazard. After pruning, trees look beautiful, and the risk of falling branches is removed.


Is it time to prune your trees? Hiring a certified arborist is in your best interests, as pruning can be dangerous work. Arborists understand how to prune safely and know the proper techniques to preserve tree health, strength and beauty.


Rivendell Tree Experts, a northern Utah industry leader serving the greater Salt Lake City area, offers professional arborist services for an affordable price. Contact our Lehi office to schedule a free tree pruning consultation and estimate with one of our certified arborists today.